Menu Latihan Iron Strength

Setelah latihan Core Foundation maka bisa menu latihan IRON STRENGTH seperti dibawah ini

Warm ups:
   30" Jumping Jacks
   30" Squats
   30" Lunges

Plyiometric Jump Squats
15 reps
6 set
Rest interval: 20"
Build up to 8 set

Superset 1:
15 rows from plank (5kg dumbells for woman, 8kg dumbells for man)
15 push ups
15 situps
Repeat for 5' , building up to 6'

Superset 2:
10 Plyiometric lunges
10 single leg plyiometric squat
Repeat for 5' , building up to 6'

Superset 3:
15 mountain climbers
15 leg downs
Repeat for 5' , building up to 6'

Superset 4:
Dumbell set
10 squats
10 tricep with one leg (left)
10 bicep with one leg (right)
Repeat for 5' , building up to 6'

Burpee pyramid
5 set of 10 burpee, rest interval 20"

Plank 1'
Side plank
Center plank

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